HelpLine are 7903145428, 9155649364,08340545056
1. A student seeking admission to the hostel shall have to submit Address proof and Aadhar Card at the time of admission.
2. Hostel rooms are equipped with furniture and fittings of appliances. Student occupying the room will sign for the receipt of items in Inventory Register. She will be responsible to hand over the items in
their original serviceable condition to hostel authority.
3. The hostellers themselves are personally responsible to safeguard their belongings. They are advised
not to keep large amounts of cash or valuables like gold ring, costly wristwatch etc., in their rooms.
They should also take care of their Purse, Calculators, Cell Phones, Lap tops, Computers and Books.
In case of theft or loss of any item the hostel authorities/institute will not be responsible for such loss.
The hostellers are advised to keep their rooms, boxes, suitcases, cupboards, etc., securely locked
with good quality locks.
4. The hostellers are neither allowed to keep private electrical equipment nor would tamper with
electrical fittings provided in rooms. Unauthorized possession will lead to confiscation of the goods.
5. Wastage of food is a national the hostellers shall not waste food electricity and water.
6. Smoking, Gambling in any form such as Playing Cards (even without money at stake), consumption
of alcohol, use of drugs and narcotics and even possession of such things are prohibited. Anyone
found indulging in the use of such things will not only be asked to vacate the hostel.
7. Hostelrs shall leave the hostel without prior permission of the hostel governess.
8. Use of any electrical appliances except table-lamp and mobile-charger, is prohibited.
9. No student shall remain absent from the hostel during night between 7.00 pm to 5.00 am unless she
has obtained night out pass from the hostel warden. Night out permission to hostellers will be given
on week-ends only if the request of the inmate has prior approval of the parents.
10. All students will report for the Roll Call every day as per prescribed timings (7.30 pm).
11. Students requiring to attend wedding, other social functions and going outstation will require permission of the hostel Governess.
12. It is reiterated that the students staying In-campus hostels are permitted to go out of the hostels for local shopping on Wednesday,Sundays and Holidays as per following timings.
Wednesday Outing Timings : Summers : 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm from 1st April to 30th September
Winters : 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm from 1st October to 31st March.
Sundays and Holidays Outing Timings :
Summers : 10.00 am to 5.00 pm from 1st April to 30th September
Winters : 10.00 am to 4.00 pm from 1st October to 31st March.
13. Students having any Chronic/Communicable disease are not allowed to stay in hostel. Hostellers falling sick or feel symptoms of sickness should report to hostel Governess asap.
14. Discussion on politics and religion is completely forbidden in the hostel & mess.
15. Parents/Guardians/Visitors can meet their ward in hostel with the permission of the hostel warden
before 7.00 pm. No Parent/Guardian/Visitor is allowed to stay in their room. Male visitors are not allowed to visit students in their living rooms.
16. The hostel authorities will conduct surprise checks periodically and if anyone is found violating the above rules, disciplinary action will be taken against her. The hostel rooms are subject to inspection by the Hostel authorities to make sure that they are kept neat and tidy and no unauthorized items like liquor, drugs, lethal weapons etc., are kept in the room.
17. The hostellers are not permitted to stay out of the hostel beyond 7.00 pm in summer and 6.00 pm in winters.
18. Noise level must be kept low to allow others the opportunity to study or sleep in comfort.
19. In case of any unacceptable behavior by the room mate must report to the Hostel Governess or may use suggestion/complain box provided in the hostel.
20. All fans,lights and electrical appliances must be switched off when not in use.
21. Cooking,Making tea etc is not allowed in the hostel.
22. Any damages to the hostel property must be reported immediately to the hostel authority. Hostelites will be charged the all damages expect damages caused by normal wear and tear.
23. Pasting of posters, writings, wall chalking, slogans of any kind or defacing the hostel in any form is not allowed.
24. Hostelllers are required to pay their rental in one month must be paid within 5th of the day of the relevant month.
25. The hostel management reserves the right to increases the rental by giving one month's notice.
26. Hostel rent will not be reduced/deducted for any gap during any month.
27. It is also clarified that in the last month of stay any remaining part will not be allowed to the candidate.
28. Hostellers are not permitted to cahnge rooms or sleep anywhere otherthan in their own room.
29. Any Hostellers who find her room mate missing for more than 24 hours must report to the Hostel governess.
30. The hostel management reserves the right to revise the rules and regulation.